Olympic Peninsula Day 2 NorthWestern Corner

First I want to mention that often I am petrified of the trek I have planned for myself. Unfortunately the ends of the world are not usually easy to get to. The journey from la push sent me back to forks. Stupid maps. I was literally going in the exact opposite direction and it’s all, yep right on track ? ! ? As I started to pass the timber museum in South forks I stopped. I now had this on my list of things to go back to anyway form a trail map I found in La Push.

After the morning hike up and around the forks nature trail, I stop in the visitor center and get more maps and tips on the 112 highway. The advise is to avoid the eastern portion past 113. Again we will just have to see which way I go.

The stretch from la push to clallam bay was pretty and easy. Once on the 112 it was tight, winding, trees horizontal just off the road, steep cliffs to rocks below, and all in between. A wonderfully beautiful white knuckle drive. I LOVE EM!! worth it every time.

Neah bay is cute and slow 25 mph all the way through.

The Cape flattery hikes are absolutely worth the additional 6 mile trek and half mile or so hike. Stay on the path if you can. So many little off paths so well traveled who can say what’s the “path”.  Knowing you are at the edge of the US is such a surreal feeling and a corner edge is even cooler.

The drive back down 112 was much easier, I even stopped at a few overlooks.  I saw a seal dancing on the rocks just off the road.  It is amazing how close you are to the Straight of Jaun De Fuca with Canada just on the other side.

I’m super excited I decided to head on down to lake ozette even though it was almost completely dark when I got here. I missed the left turn for the camp ground and ended up in just the regular parking. After walking back over to the camp ground with my flash light I was again glad at how things worked out. The bulletin board and the one way road entrance were flooded as well as most of the sites. I’ll investigate that and the trails I came for at day break. Scary boondock night ahead.

Hiking along copalis River and beach

Its become an obsession of mine the route out the back of camp along the river to the mouth where it opens into the Pacific Ocean. Murky red with iron that seems to come straight out of the rocks. Starts muddy with weaving vegetation making a plush carpet along driftwood grave yard of hundreds of years old trees hundreds of years washed by the sea after a tumble from the sand rock cliff landslides through the aggregate plains of rocks in perfect nugget sizes around the sandy bin to the beach.


aking the tide 2ft and heading out you have time to make it all the way to iron springs and time to spare for all of the offshoot trails/private walk ways up to beautiful clif views.

With the massive super low grade beach cresting the edge of the mouth of the river creates this amazing walking on mirror affect with clouds under and above the land.

Love My Mossy Mushroom Fairy Forest

This whole area is much like a rain forest.  Some of the are is actually a rain forest.  The coast butts up to the steep cliff like edges in many areas with the changes from the bottom to the top create this rain forest climate.  Or at least that is my theory.  I have a nice nature hike that I can take along a river along a coast line with just such an area.  The trees have so much moss covering them they are more like giant trolls with snot and sagging arms.  These are vast trees, amazingly large and old.  The older the more moss the more gnarled from the harsh climate of the the edge of the world it feels like at times with the fog lingering on the cliffs with only the haunting of the crashing waves on the shore below to know exactly how high you are.


First two weeks of first host job with driftwood rv in copalis beach.

Starting the week of Thanksgiving was quite a bustling experience. The camp ground has a number of monthlies or extended stays and the hosts put on a full Thanksgiving dinner. 5 turkeys with all the fixings for 40 or so people. We ended up with a lot of pies and most of them pumpkin.

I spent the actual holiday week end with my son and gf in wonderland, I mean Bellvue, Washington. We had Chinese dumplings for dinner,a tour of Seattle Harbor, a visit to a wild felid sanctuary and an up town winter festival with fake snow flowing off the roof tops.


ettling in with a full week of every other day 8 hours of general all around stuff that just needs done as they say around the camoground. Today was my second all disgusting nasuating encounter with the remnants of what must have been a painful bowl explosion. There can be no other explanation. The rest of the job is simple and fun. Especially watching how the others fill their time. Majority of mine is office work, of course.

2 nighter at cape disappointment Washington

Could be my favorite hiking so far!! Through a mountain trail up and down with trickling creeks, fun moss covered stairs and boardwalks along the 7 miles I did. There were many more miles of cliff peek views of endless horizons. Destination light houses and early army weather station structures. The earth and trees are alive with sounds of birds. Salamanders, frogs, and giant slugs wonder the path keeping careful not to step on anyone. Fog and misty mornings followed by warm sun afternoon into cool sunsets. A magical amazing place.

No service in the campground. Felt nicely discounted unless on a high ridge.