The reality of the sanctuary

Honestly when I answered this add, just like almost everything in my  life, I dreamed a little dream of what I thought I was getting myself into.  Up until now I have been fairly safe in my escapades with the RV.    The answering of the add on the work kamp website I had been told about was my first attempt to “jump in” .  If I am going to do this I need to do it.  I reluctantly bailed on a hosting position at a state park just before I took this position.  Living among wild horses at a sanctuary in north Texas sounded so interesting as opposed to rescued horses living wild on a horse ranch.  While both are desirable, the latter is what i ended up with.  The reality.  Almost a month in, I am actually really enjoying it.  More like ranch hand work.  Of course what exactly would my job have been if I were just working at a wild horse sanctuary.  One of my objectives and the owners is to keep these guys tame and feed them grains to keep them friendly.

Second Monday bowie texas

Lets make some money!! This is a heck of a flea market/trade day. I signed up when as soon as I heard it was a thing.


I loaded up my RV with my bike, trailer and stuff to sell.  It took 3 loads to get everything over with my little trailer but the trailer is TOTALLY worth it!!


This makes the first time I have left the horses.  I already miss them and will undoubtedly be up with the sun to go check on them.


Living on the two wheeler, Bike that is…

I have not setup the rv to trailer a car yet.   I left my car in West Virginia could be the name of a song :D.  Well the sanctuary or ranch as some call it, is 6 miles from a walmart and about 1 1/2 miles to the first gas station.  The town itself is about 3 miles then you start seeing things literally right and left.  Then the cutest little back country texas historic downtown railroad town you can imagine.  Well seems like the perfect bike worthy location.  I suppose if I had a great bike, like a runner, its the bike not my lack of physicality.  Which honestly I haven’t been in bike shape in a long time.  I road a ton as a child and could ride for days.  My sister and I would ride all the way up to Walmart, ha I still do that, from our rural house between tupelo and saltiolo.  yeah where??


I now am biking full time.  I read a blog of some guy doing this a long time ago.  Giving up his car and only biking.  At that time, I could not imagine , but now I just have to have a damn good reason to go to town.  Dog food will get me there before I need people food.  I have finally quit almost all of my vices.   I drink tea.


It is a full two weeks, maybe three, amazing how quick I loose track of time day and week, anyway; of biking and I here is the quick rundown of progress.

First time out, barely made it to the first intersection and gave up and went home.

second went to closest truck stop restaurant.  Not impressed and not that exhausted.

third time all the way to town, to walmart and back with back bag and barely made it back walked up hills at the end wanted to die.

forth time out got a trailer rode to farm store/market and pretty much back and did pretty good.  Did run in to a strange man who said it was illegal to ride bikes in the town of Bowie.  I have seen NO evidence of this and find the thought ludicrous!!

I will eventually get in shape I hope 😀
