Landing in happyland

Glass shattering on the rocks where the edge of one camp ends and one camp begins reminds me how much has happened since I found a place to land. After six months and six trailers/rigs, it seems I’m gonna stay for a bit.

On first impression this place was very harsh, scary, surreal and inviting. Most of my time is working on my camp. This camp has taken off and grown beyond amythu,g I ever expected to do ever. It’s a labor of love. I’m creating my camp like a child in the woods with full control no “grown ups” telling you what’s possible. Like the magic of a youthful hopeful spirit the most unlikely is likely the unpredictable is often and the allure of something new and exciting undying. Happiness for now is the freedom I have found to play and express without boundaries of others or the ability to be unaffected by others judgement I’ll will contradictory, hypocritical often,ridiculous misconcepts or untruths. My honesty is real, my thoughts are my own. Not always will I agree with any but hopefully I do with a few.

As many hieatises do the source of what was has changed as in the wandering journey will be the journey along this new path with less travel and probably even more inflection