Catoxoplasmosia: A new world order

Generations from now after an invention that changed the world and humanity as we know to a distant lost memory, cats have finally taken their place as rulers of the world again. Renaming earth after their parasite companion toxoplasmosis ,Catoxoplasmosia is the new world. It started slowly with the introduction of the litter box. Over time the cats with the added intelligence of humans through a symbiotic parasite that the cat passes to the owner that lets the cat eventually gain complete control over the owner. Newer and better technologies were created to aid in the passing of the parasite almost instantly after the first defecation by a cat in the commercially created cat litter. Humanity was taken over in less than four generations of the final clumping cat litter auto cleaning box was invented. The cat owner willingly hooks up the house air duct system to the discharge exhaust of the litter box for the most effecient and affective way to propegate the parasite and ultimately infected entire families, then friends, class mates at School, entire church congregations and finally complete communities, states, countries and continents.

Now the handful of remaining wild humans run free in the trees and are hunted for sport. The lucky ones are caught and eaten but the ones kept for the pet industry can be treated to what some consider incumane. The pet trade has created a new under belly of hell for some captures. Often Lobotomization is done immediately, intelligence is not required and cat regulations require that all breeding females and males must be lobotomized for camanitary standards of treatment. Some owners can inbreed for generations and amputation for consumption are acceptable as long as they human does not appear to be suffering. With the demand for human pets with specialty characteristics getting so large as soon as one human mill is shut down four more start up. The camanitarians fight a losing battle as humans are mutilated to the point of no limbs with the bottom half of the torso cut off completely with some the uterus still exposed from the multiple insisions to remove fetuses that until 40 weeks are considered non viable and can be turned into food at anytime during gestation. Again this has created a raging food craze of fetasuma where the fetus is still moving around when it is consumed and is considered a delicacy. Limbs and organs can also legally be harvested at anytime , so butchers and breeders are often the same cats or part of the cat family.

Prized humans are expected to have at least a malshapen head as that is a sign from birth the parasite has been genetically joined with the humanling. Multiple facial annomolies also qualify in the CSPCH like 2 or more mouths, enclosed ears, different sized eyes or more than 2 eyes and ideally the rolly eye kind. Noses can be from almost non existent to misshapen to over larged. The nose is a defining characteristic for many of the new breeds of humans. The no nose was one of the first naturally gestated mutation created by toxoplasmosis in humans. Well mishaped heads and rolly eyes were the first but those were while humans were still dominant so that is not recognized by the CSPCH.

The Cat family known for being the founding family of Catoxoplasmosia, Sylvester Cat helped with the final distribution of the self cleaning cat box after being nominated to the board by the owner against little hesitation as by then cats were on many boards or were the puppet master for many political power houses and humanitarian leaders. The Cat Sylvester family also governs most of the CSPCH and cumanitary standards while also being the industry leader in human breeding catatalism that includes breeding for pets and the processing for consumption.

There is mostly fear that humans could again rule the world so keeping the population controlled was a concern until the laws for open hunting and in field sterilization was legalized. Any attempts to create language is grounds for immediate euthenasia, as well as attempts to congregate or procreate in the wild. Wild humans are tagged through the nasal cavity with metal rings. Attempts to remove cause immediate death.

The breast milk of humans is considered part of the food pyramid for young cats under 6 months of age. The more up scale cats frown on nipple freeding any more. It’s a sign of feral. Some of the most rare humans have multiple breasts and are used as nurse maids in kittencare facilities. The inbreeding keeps the intelligence low allowing some humans to live amoungst the cats as help. Depending on the job determines which extremetes and appendages are kept including reproductive organs, organs deamed nutritious and unnecessary for survival like the appendix, portions of the liver, one kidney, eyes, tongues, etc. The more extreme is done to used-up breeders, non milkers, wildlings and non CSPCH regulation infants. The most extreme is full consumption saved for special occasions, important events and caterday festivities. These charades often include a multiple course dinner served cat style with every cat on the table with courses delicately replaced with delicacy after delecacy surpassing the last till the final full bust organ spill cornacopia style dish with fingers, ears, eye balls and fetus parts on small plates all around to cleanse the plate between courses.

Most cat families have several human consumption companions that are just for amputation and consumption. Skin pealing is common where layers of skin can be removed and will grow back with a more firm texture. These are a staple as skin pealings can keep and drying makes them a light jerky for a quick snack. Amputation is totally dependent on the feeding family size. Some will piece by piece keeping the consumption companions for months while others go through the body in a matter of days. Breeding in the home is illegal, only certified breeders can breed humans. Lactating females can become part of an exchange program when they stop lactating they trade a recent abomination maker for the non lactating fem. These are reimpregnated after they go back to a place like cat ranch.

Cat ranch is one of the oldest breeder establishments in Catoxoplasmosia. Sylvester cat’s second wife started it and has the original human two face female breeder responsible for six generations of inbreeding to create a consistent full two head. One of the most sought after human CSPCH award winning qualifications. The oldest living catoxoplasmale human where the genetics are 80% comjoined to the parasite and known as the first no nose is the stud for cat ranch. Revered for the longevity of life and fortatude of babies these two humans are often on display during larger fancy feast festivities.

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